Tryfacta operates on the boundaries of complexities of the Utilities and Energy sector, constantly innovating and optimizing processes and people to stay competitive. We offer a suite of comprehensive solutions that enable you to optimize operations, improve profitability, and stay ahead of the curve!
Energy Management Systems Integration
Integrate, implement and customize EMS software.
Demand Response Management
Implement and optimize demand response programs.
Asset Management Solutions
Optimize asset performance and reduce costs.
Geographic Information Systems
Implement, operate and maintain GIS solutions.
Outage Management Systems (OMS)
Implement, operate and maintain OMS solutions.
Distribution Management
Implement, operate and maintain DMS solutions.
Meter Data Management (MDM)
Implement, operate and maintain MDM solutions.
Renewable Energy Integration
Integrate and optimize renewable energy sources.
Blending knowledge & expertise for better results
Tryfacta stands tall for its deep industry knowledge, coupled with cutting-edge technology expertise. This makes us the ideal partner for any energy and utility company looking to improve its operational efficiencies and staff. Our solutions cover all aspects of the industry, including Oil & Gas Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream activities.
Our suite of services includes Cloud & Infrastructure, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs), Mobility, Big Data, Advanced Analytics, e-Engineering, Process control, Automation solutions, and more. We also provide end-to-end software and systems integration solutions, as well as staffing solutions that are scalable and flexible. We offer each service the ability to reconfigure or support applications for better results. With over 25 years of experience providing IT solutions to the Energy and Utilities sector, we understand the unique challenges facing you, now and in the future!

Tryfacta offers bespoke solutions for the energy sector, ranging from production all the way to distribution, billing, theft prevention, and future security.
From helping you secure the necessary elements for efficient production to final delivery and tracking, Tryfacta helps you implement the right solutions.
From compliance codes all the way to employee safety, our staffing solutions, IT solutions, and consultation help you ensure compliance for all, at all times!
Our customers